Title: Pig Latin
adellynaPairing: Alex & Ryland beffie gen fic.
Rating: G
Word Count: 750
Summary: Pointless beffie conversations.
"Okay," Alex says as soon as Ryland picks up. He doesn't bother saying hello. "Okay, so, I was thinking? For Viola?"
"Slower?" Ryland can reach his guitar from the toilet, so he does. "Except in that one spot? Like, uh." He sets his fingers on the strings and strums them in the same chords they'd decided before, but lingering more here, speeding it up there. "Like that?"
"Yeah," Alex says. "Yeah, just like that. I'll write it down. I had this dream."
"I'll call you back," Ryland says. "I'm kind of taking a shit."