Title: My Beta Made Me Change the Name of This Fic So It Wouldn’t Suck (1/1)
Author: Never
Pairing: Brendon/Ryan, Pete/Patrick, Jon/Spencer, Butcher/Siska, & Frank/Gerard
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: So not mine.
Warning: AU. Not all the characters are 100% good, but none are evil either.
Summary: Ryan Ross is a secret agent who has been sent to retrieve Dr. Patrick Stump and his mysterious invention from the clutches of Pete Wentz, head of the terrorist group, Fall Out Boy.
Author’s Notes:
d41j0ubu seriously deserves a Nobel award for helping me so much with this. There is no way that it would exist without him, so thank you! For challenge #26 : Spies and Secret Agents.
Word Count: >11,000
I'm Pete. You don't know me yet, but we're going to be very good friends. Cross-posted