I've been offline for a few days, and have yet to play catch-up on journals... so i just wanted to say sorry if i've missed an important journal entry somewhere in there before i start reading everyone's posts. Anyway, here's an ultra quick, mini-post of the blurt-out-random-thoughts variety - have so much to do today!
-My exams went rather badly. But that is entirely my own fault. To some extent.
-Blaze (our youth group's weekly prayer and worship evening) was really good on Tuesday and going to cell group last night was rather helpful too =) We got to pray for each other and such. See i've been feeling rather down and imbalanced lately (eating too much, studying too little, spending hardly any time with God, worrying too much about nothing and everything), and the past couple of nights really put me back in focus. So i'm kinda back to normal (whatever "normal" means) and in touch with God again. Am totally blown over by his awesomeness and grace, and that indescribable feeling of peace.
-I'm currently looking for something to do over the summer after summer camp, hopefully involving either getting a job in glasgow, or getting a volunteer placement elsewhere in the UK. Like for
Break Charity or
L'arche. The problem is that i'm still feeling the weight of my previous 2 unsuccessful job attempts. Yeah, that's another reason why i've been feeling kinda down i guess - the thought of not ever being able to accomplish anything in life, and do it well, is pretty crippling, y'know? But i'm alright now that i've put my barriers down and let go of everything into God's hands.
-It's funny how we hold on to our burdens and don't let them go, despite the fact that we know it will be better for us if we just acknowledge the sovereignty of God. What peace that ensues, even though you know that the going will be tough, and that following Jesus requires self-control, patience, time and all the rest of it.
-Shoutouts to everyone who has exams tomorrow, you can do it! Sleep early tonight. Don't stress =)
-Finally, I'd like to point out that losers can be happy too ;)