Jul 23, 2005 19:13
ok well alot to talk about folks. im at hannahs and i want to go home. i love hannah and alyssa but i miss my mom. despratly i miss my mother i dont know why but i do. warped tour was in the fullest context awesome. it rocked so hard maybe because cool bands where there and maybe because it was my first warped tour. i dunno both. i missed MCR which sucked but thats ok. one of the first semi popular bands i saw was reggie and the full effect. they were awesome. i need to but there album. but befor they were on this band was on and befor "reggie" as the singer called them came on the lead singer got into the croud and told them to get down on there knees so we did and he was really serious and stuff it was funny. and befor that has was ranting about how the government is screwing us up. which is true.sooo we saw.
reggie and the full effect
fall out boy
the off spring!!!!! kick ass with the fire hose.!! and of course i was the only person og the 3 of us who knew all the words
the bled.
drop kick murpheys_my dad now loves them.
matchbook romance.
the starting line- died when a "surfer" hit me in the head with a chunky skate shoe.
uh relient k
billy idol.
so it was an cool day. im looking forward to going next year. well im going to go throw up now from food poisoning.