Last night's dream

Aug 17, 2011 18:45

I'd been sentenced to death. A guy had tried to rape me and I punched him in the face. He fell backwards and cracked his head on the floor, which killed him. I was then sentenced to be hanged, although 'sentenced' isn't really the right word as it was all very sudden and surprising. There was no trial or anything, I just remember seeing the death sentence written out, so I guess I was living in an absolute monarchy or similar.

There were six of us milling around a yard, waiting for our turn to go through a small gateway and be hanged. We were being watched by a school dinnerlady-type person (portly, with an air of congenial authority). I started telling one of the other guys why I was there, and why I thought it was somewhat unfair, when the dinnerlady told me off, pointing out that talking to the other people wasn't allowed.

I apologised, and asked if I could have a chewing gum (I'd found a pack in my pocket). She said yes, and I asked if she wanted one. "Yes please!" she replied, and I said "I'll leave them to you in my will!" We both laughed and the atmosphere was surprisingly cheerful, considering.

I then pulled out my phone and updated my Facebook status, mentioning that I was being hanged (it had all happened so quickly that I hadn't had time to tell anybody) and saying that I was laughing and joking right up to the end.

I woke up about then, so don't know what the scaffold or hangman looked like. Hopefully the hangman was Matt Berry.

I was a little bit miffed about the unjust and surprisingly rapid nature of my death sentence, but overall I took the prospect of impending death rather well. I hope I can be that chilled out when my time comes for real.
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