Her head is in a bitter way, her brain's on fire

Jul 30, 2011 13:03

I just commented on John Scalzi's last blog post. He mentioned that he'd bought a new laptop partly for "causal gaming". My comment: "Causal gaming? Just think of the consequences!"

It made me chuckle. Then again, I am easily amused.

Last night was quite sweet. One of the regulars actually cried a little when she found out I was leaving soon (she said "I'm having my birthday party here and I definitely want you working. I'll give you fifty quid extra." I replied "Unless your birthday party is tomorrow, I'm going to be gone."). Another regular bought me a "Sorry you're leaving" card and put a packet of Haribo Starmix in it. Another one bought me a garlic bread pizza.

So many people have made a point over the past few days of telling me I'm a nice guy and they're sorry to see me go. It's really quite touching. Everybody is extremely 'down to earth' here, very rough around the edges. And I suspect I'd disagree with most of their views on immigrants and similar topics. But in many ways they're really decent people. I'll even miss them a little.

Anyway, enough dilly-dallying online. I got me some packing to do. I start work in seven hours, and it's going to be a busy shift as a popular band are playing (popular in South East London, that is. They are very good though). I'll probably be working until after two. And I suspect I'll end up having at least a beer or two after my shift. Steve's hoping to get here for 10:30/11:00 so I'll have to be up about 9. Hopefully I can get a bit of sleep inbetween.
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