Jun 03, 2011 14:28
I moved into the pub on Wednesday - Liz and her sister (who works as a gardener and hence has her own van) helped me out, and her sister very generously refused the money I tried to give her. The room is ridiculously large (it contains two single beds, a wardrobe, a sofa, two tables, two chairs, and still has enough space to swing a pony). It also has four windows, so is lovely and light. I have my own bathroom (well, shower room) and toilet, which is good - sharing with the boss would have been very weird. There's no kitchen, unfortunately (obviously the boss has a kitchen in his flat, which is the next floor down, but he and his wife don't really want me using that), but I've been living off fruit, nuts, and takeaways for the past few weeks anyway so a little bit longer won't hurt (I bought some cod liver oil and multivitamin tablets the other day, just to try and avoid any serious deficiencies).
I discovered on Wednesday that there was no internet here, so I bought a mobile dongle and set it up today (seems to be working fine so far; we'll see how the data limit goes - I have to remember not to download/stream any films). Although some good could come of living without internet for a few weeks, on balance I'd rather not. Although the recent setback left me briefly despondent, I have a couple of ideas for websites and want to get started on them ASAP. Well, not ASAP obviously else I wouldn't be sitting here writing this, but as soon as I've caught up on emails, Facebook, and LJ anyway.
I very nearly bought a guitar and amp yesterday. Liz works in a guitar shop, and as I stayed at hers Wednesday night I walked her to work, then popped in and had a browse (along with three cups of tea). They've got a couple of second-hand Squire Stratocasters which look pretty nice. £79 each. I'm the kind of guy who'd rather have something a little more unusual, just for the sake of it (the Epiphone Les Paul Black Beauty has always appealed to me), but these are solid guitars for the price and I only need something cheap at the moment anyway.
Correction: I don't need any guitar at all. I quite want one, but technically I'm supposed to be saving money for somewhere to live. Although moving in here has taken the pressure off, it's not a long-term solution so I still need to be saving.
Also, spending a hundred quid on a guitar and amp when I still owe Saffron money would be somewhat selfish, bastardly, and irresponsible. So I shall probably avoid going into the shop again, thereby keeping well out of temptation's grasp.