I have a new illegal pet (according to my apartment complex, at least!)
Our Discovery dept. put out a notice that they had to reduce their cat numbers, and adoption was an option, so....I adopted one!
She is a big, fat black cat named Hissy (so named because she swiped and hissed at the other cats when they would get attention and she wasn't), and she just turned 6.
She hid out under my bed for a few days, but she's now out and about, and is usually following me around the apartment. She's also NOT a lap cat, but she lays next to me on the couch or at my feet. She likes to sprawl on the coffee table too...
Her one major quirk, which is more weird than annoying, is that she plays in her water bowl. I don't fill it anymore, because I'll find it spilled out 5 minutes later. Instead, she drinks from the sink. I woke up one night to this scratching sound in my bathroom, and found her gnawing at the faucet. So I know fill up the sink a bit at night and during the day, and voila! Hydrated cat.