Dec 13, 2006 23:46
I stayed up until 5 a.m. last night studying. Really interesting stuff about how the transition from integration to separatist Black Power within the SNCC happened. Also some really nice stuff from Cleveland Sellers about Martin Luther King, Jr. that made the leaders of the Civil Rights/Black Freedom Movement much more human.
But still, five in the morning is a bitch. Woke up after a good morning's sleep though and joined Julian at the TSC swimming pool to study for three hours. About. The smell of chlorine can really sting your nose, but for some strange reason I like it. It keeps you awake and makes you feel insanely clean. It also reminds me of being a little kid learning how to swim. I had a crazy instructor who I thought was trying to drown me.
Julian stole a Sprite from the employee fridge for me and it immediately gave me a headache. That's what we get for stealing, dammit.
He napped in my room while that headache of mine kept pissing me off. What I hate about having a headache is that I turn into a bitch when I have one. By the time Omar and Ryan joined me, Julian and Marlene I had gotten snappish and unresponsive. I'm okay with being a bitch when I intend to be one, but when I act like one towards my friends, that sucks. I'm sure I wasn't as bad as all that, but it makes hanging out with my friends less fun.
Eh. Julian joined his leech study-buddy at the PCL while Omar and I headed for Kirby Lane. Bought Tylenol. Got Mexican food with way too much cheese. Headache disappeared. We were supposed to be studying. Did it happen? Ha. Ha, ha. Hell, no.
Julian joined us and we toasted ourselves with hot chocolate and coffee.
And we still didn't study. And so we thought, "Fuck it," and left.
I should be worried by now, but I'm not. I hope Omar and Julian do well on their exams tomorrow. I also hope Marlene does well on hers.
But I would really rather be drinking a Smirnoff right now while watching a movie that requires absolutely no thought. Something lighthearted, with Frank Sinatra and that rich voice of his. Something with lots of dancing and singing. Yeah....
frank sinatra,