I've been looking up addresses and submission rules for various literary magazines around the country, just so that I can send one short story and see what happens. But because so many of them don't take simultaneous submissions (which makes sense), and because a lot of them don't take unsolicited submissions except on certain months, it looks
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Comments 5
CCR does rock. Gotta love my dad and his love of classic rock influencing me. My personal favorite is "Fortunate Son".
And yes, I love me some CCR. Sadly, I only have a few of their songs because I don't know that much classic rock. I have "Have You Ever Seen the Rain?," "Up Around the Bend," "Joy to the World," and "Long Cool Woman" (but I'm not sure that one's them). The first two are my favorites. I'll have to download "Fortunate Son," just as soon as I get the internet set up on my own computer and don't have to use this one all the time.
Anyways, will do.
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