Feb 01, 2006 17:02

Okay, so I just showed Mel, and the fact that she didn't hate it too much is now motivating me to post it here. So for those of you who don't know, I really want a haircut. A short haircut. And I've been having a really hard time finding one that doesn't make me look uber-gay or like a 12 year old boy. And I just found one that I kinda like, and that happened to be really similar to a picture I have of me. So I really quickly just Photoshop-ed it onto me. Ignore the different skin tones and all that, I just wanted a basic idea of what it would look like on me. So just take a look. And give it a minute, cause it seems really weird at first, but after a while it starts to look a little more normal, and then tell me what you think, please! ;)

So I'd probably get it a little bit longer everywhere than it is here. It's really short in this picture. So just add a little bit...but not like, mullet-y or anything. And think about it.

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