Nov 20, 2009 13:48
I really really REALLY hate my evil sister. She is now recruiting other family memebers to try to get me to go to Jason's going away party tonight. I will not got. I do not care that you think I am a "horrible gooddamned mother". I am doing what I feel is right and best for my child. If he wants to put restrictions on who is allowed to see him then he has to understand some people will take that in not such a good light and not want to see him at all...period. Get the fu ck off my back.
She knows all the buttons to push to make me angry as only siblings can do. I told her I would no longer respond to her email thread so she started a new topic just to get more digs in. I am keeping to my silence. I will no longer respond to her insipid attacks.
I left Jason a Birthday message and asked him to call so I can say good-bye to him. He leaves tomorrow. I will miss him and I am having enough trouble with this and do not need the evil one making me feel even worse. My baby is leaving home...that is a hard thing for a mom.
I am feeling sad and melancholly and do not need to feel anger on top of it I am ignoring my stupid evil sister.
I will wallow in self-pity most of the weekend and then on Monday i will be renewed and put it all behind me.
I was going to help mom clean to keep my mind of things this weekend but evidently my mom is sick.
Mom has always been a bit of a hyperchondriac. "No mom....I don't think you have's just a cold. No, really..not Ecoli just a bit of a tummy flu." and then she gets MRSA! I will never hear the end of the fatal diseases she will contract after this. What a way to feed the paranoia than to give her an actual real and possibly fatal illness! Gah! MRSA...the flesh eating staff infection. Wow...just wow!