Sooooo. I haven't actually updated about me "life" in a really long ass time. Ever since school started I'm a slave to education (no joke. School is basically awesome. I laugh more then I should. There's this sense of being so much older once you get to 11th & 12th grade. It's not just senority. It's more like, fuck you I've been going to school for 11 years. Let me enjoy this! The boys aren't bad either. I have atleast one cute kid in all of my classes. SCORE! Whatever, the year is flying by.
I'm going to see Employee of the Month tonight which should be good. I can't stand Jessica Simpson but DANE COOK!! I love him so much. Me and my friends were listening to Retaliation and Harmful last night for the 100th time and it never get's old. Idontevercare I don't even liiiike Jelly. I get hives if I even loook at Jelly. I don't even know what Jelly is. What is Jelly? oh jeez.
LOST STARTED. FUCK YES. I don't even know what to say about it. Just, thanks for not killing it guys. I actually enjoyed the first episode which is awesome.
I have so much going on and yet I can't seem to put it into words. Life. Here are some pictures: