Jul 03, 2005 13:45
"My god!!!" "Yes I believe I am!"
So. This week nothing much happened. I was supposed to go on an adventure but didn't. So maybe next week. But I did go to Tony's house on Wednesday until Thursday and we discussed life the Universe and everything. Canada Day went by uneventfully because over here we just wait for Alberta Day instead. Dont' we? Last night was Saturday night and I'm happy I didn't have a fever (AHAHAHAHAHAHAA) because I was at Maryse's house partaying. It was very interesting but in a good way. I brought Andrea along with me and it seems from what people were telling us that everybody in that house thought we were together. But everybody does which is odd but moving on. I got up an hour ago and it's 1:48 in the afternoon now but I did manage to fix my trampoline, eat cookies, talk to the dog, make soup and answer a very long email already today. Tomorrow is Monday and though I didn't expressly not call Stephen or Luke, I'm sure they will think I didn't want to rehearse all week. Tragically I'm going to Scotland near the end of the month (not tragically for me because I like it there) and I don't know if they know yet. I may also be on the radio for a week so tune in!!! Haha. I don't know what the details are but I'll probably let you know. This week I hope to go on an actual adventure and then maybe go on another one. I'm sure nobody knows what I mean. I owe somebody something from downtown so I'm going to go fetch that. And the other one probably won't happen and it involves other stuff. I'm going to Sundre soon to see my uncle for his birthday and probably get mauled by my little cousins. Maybe I can hide in a tree and throw pinecones at them or hide in the chicken shed or something.