(no subject)

May 02, 2005 19:58

One has been endowed with just enough intelligence to be able to realize how utterly inadequate that intelligence is when confronted with what exists.

I really do like that quote.  So thanks to Olivia for having it on her profile when I got bored and went through many profiles to try to entertain myself.  I'm bored to this horrible degree because I have no drums in my house: I moved them to Stephen's for this week so we can record our audition that has to be done by Wednesday.  Paul the bass guy won't be on the audition CD because working at Quizzno's takes up all his band time.  Anyway today we recorded the guitars and tomorrow we will do the drums and the vocals.  If I feel generous I'll have the song somewhere for you.  If the vocals end up being that bad I'll have nothing anywhere for anybody.

Today was a stupid day.  Well the morning was.  My bus didn't come so I was late.  Coming into social first period I discover much to my obvious delight that I have to write an essay about multiculturalism in the space of an hour.  Italian was slow and stupid.  But the afternoon was alright.  The afternoon was talking to Kayla in English, deciding to marry various people with Olivia, and being shot and killed in drama.

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