D-e-a-t-h ...

May 12, 2006 13:00

My day = crap!

Did my hair this morning so it'd look hott for school and then i got here and had to work on my major performance for dance befor school and it got all sweaty and bad looking, so i was already in a bad mood from that when i got to drama for 1st peroid.

Our teacher wasnt there cause she had "poped down to the shops for 10 minutes to pick up recess for her teachers" so Peta told me and Claire that we were working on our GP's and developing our characters for them. So Claire and I came down to the library to do some reaserch on the 1920's cause that where we are thinking of setting our peice. Anyway... We're actually doing this research and she storms into the library and tells us to get back in the classroom imediatly. So we went back with her and she just exploaded! Like she just went off and parts of what she was saying felf so attacking to us personally as a class, like she was calling us immature, lazy and foolish. I was sooooooo upset! Then she calmed down a bit and rationalised what she was saying, whaich was a valid point, that we have to follow her lead more etc. But it seems i'll be getting a BOS letter for Drama cause i havent handed in an essay, my IP book and i APPARENTLY miss too much class... fuck that! The fact is that i have more important prioritys than school, especially for a drama teacher who cant take into concideration the direction im taking in life and the sacrifices i have to make for that.... argh! Im justsick of trying to please everyone by being what they want me to be, maybe im just not good enough to juggle everything! Life will be So much more bareable next year when im just studying dance and thats it!!!! I wont have to worry about anything else!

Anyway... that proved for a teary fun recess...

Then i missed Music for Ensemble photos and now its my free... i was gonna skip english and go home, but i have to work on my dance comp @ lunch so id better stay since its due on monday...

i would like to scream right about... now! ... but i am in the library so... no! lol!

majorly over-tired!

cant think of anything else to say today...

Annika is forcing me to come to crush tonight... it'll suck lol!


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