Quick Update--with numbered goodness.

Aug 07, 2008 11:30

  1. My new niece was born Monday, July 28.  She and my sister are doing very well.
  2. I have decided to take my journal to primariy Friends Only.  So if you are not my friend but want to be, please comment to this.
  3. It has been hotter than hammered hell here lately.
  4. Craig has had lots of OT lately.  Which is happy on the money front, but sad on the spending time together front.
  5. I still have not gotten done half of what I wanted to this summer, and I go back on Monday.
  6. looking at that last sentence makes me very sad...
  7. We got to see the Dark Knight at the IMAX.  Loved it!
  8. It was finally cool enough yesterday morning that Katie and I could have a short trip to the park.  We hiked the hill out at Toad Suck and then played on the playground before it was too hot.
  9. Last night, Craig, Katie and I went to Wild River Country and had much fun splashing in the water.  Kate rode the Kiddie Slide MANY times.  Then the three of us rode one of the BIG slides.  I don't think she would have let us leave if they had not been closing.
  10. We finally got a little rain this morning and I hope that keeps the temperatures in the double-digits as promised.  As long as it doesn't just mean same heat, more humidity.

I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but I can always post some more later!

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