Changes at Work

Jul 21, 2008 11:41

 Last Wednesday I got a phone call from my Department Chair.  They needed one of us who teach Physical Science to pick up 2 classes of Biology.  Long story short, the best answer to this problem was me.

I'm a little scared because even though Biology was my major, I have never taught it and really haven't even thought about it in about 10 years.  I'm sure it will come back to me but I was hoping for a lighter load this year instead of heavier.  (There are fewer students in Pre-AP so I was not going to have my 2 periods of that this year.)  Of course I'm also excited because I love biology so I know that once I get into the swing of things it will be fun.

Now, some good news came today.  My schedule will be 1st-4th Physical Science, 5th prep, 6th-7th Biology!  I am SO happy about this!  I was really afraid that I would have PS then Bio then PS then Bio and have to change my mind set and materials back and forth.  Now I just have to set up for PS in the morning (or afternoon before) and then switch gears during my prep period.  I really can not express here what an absolute relief this is.

So wish me luck, keep me in your prayers, send good ju-ju or whatever you do, as I get ready to start this new adventure.
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