
Jul 16, 2008 10:32

Well, the "Getting the House Straightened" plan has not gone as well as planned.  I have been SUPER busy.  I have been reading LJ but not had time to post too.

I am thinking about taking my LJ private.  Or maybe I'll just be more selective what I choose is public and make some posts private.  I am thinking about this because I am a teacher and my kids like to play on the internet and since my name here is my name it would be way to easy for them to find me.....assuming that they left facebook for 3 seconds.

One of the reasons I wouldn't want to go totally private is because I want more friends.  Either I'm too boring, don't post enough, or my friends are way too busy because I hardly ever get comments.  I can't help that I'm too boring (that's just me), and I can work on posting more.  But some of my friends have left LJ officially or just haven't been on here in ages (yes, I'm one to talk--pot/kettle, I know).

I was all set to comment on a bunch of entries the other night.  I just finished a good one when I hit "post comment" and got "Site down for emergency maintenance.  Sorry for the inconvenience"  I'd bet they weren't really that sorry.

I have to go work on the house because the baby shower for my dear sister (
ambwilson) is this Saturday and the house really should look presentable. 
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