Title: Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Summary: When Lestrade breaks off his relationship with Sherlock, Mycroft seizes the opportunity to collect Lestrade for himself. As the most dangerous man in Britain, he can take care of Lestrade and protect him. He just can't understand why Lestrade seems so subdued and unhappy.
Rating: PG-13
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The way to escape is good, but Blackmail rather, and some of it useful against me is better. Running away isn't power.
ACD's Mycroft was probably too lazy to even spend 450 quid/year. Hard to write stories about a guy like that! Just love the one scene in the Final Problem where Mycroft masquerades as a cabbie to get Watson away from Moriarty. It must have taken him years to recover from that exertion.
I've just assumed all of Mycroft's tech is portable, as it so often is these days. But he sure does _not_ want people looking at it. Why does a guy with a cell phone use a pocket watch to tell time, or a notebook to record addresses (which he would have memorized anyway)? And then he goes and texts them nasty messages... >.<
In my (Crossroads) fic, Mycroft really doesn't want people to see his phone or his computer because they are so cool that even his bosses covet them. Maybe he's just being dramatic. Oh, wait! He's above all that...
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