Title: Vigil: Chapter 3 of 3
Summary: John goes to face with Dr. Grüner, the man Sherlock suspects of masterminding the deaths of Lestrade's family.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings (this chapter only):implication of same-sex infatuation, stalking
Spoilers: Study in Pink, takes place after the Great Game
Disclaimers: Arthur Conan Doyle's original characters
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Thank you ever so much for sharing this!
I want to hug this fic, it is just that good. Pining!Mycroft, BAMF!Anthena, Unrelaible!Sherlock and then John, as perfect as ever.
On a side note, I used to know some LeBruns. Scary bunch.
I think Lestrade might make an exception for this particular stalker, but the BBC version always seems to force slash goggles on me...
Jenn, who would not be home if she had not forgotten Martin (her work computer)'s power cord on the DR table.
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