Jan 26, 2010 17:13
Kaylee, after deciding to come live with Ned instead of staying in Fandom and going through the motions, had discovered that there was one large downside to the real world: It was way harder to find stuff to tinker with.
Which was why their DVD player was strewn out on the floor in pieces, and Kaylee was painstakingly putting it back together for a third time. Popples was looking on (read: sleeping nearby), and Digby would occasionally wander over to sniff.
Kaylee took this as a contribution. "What d'you think, Digby? Should I speed it up again so it plays more smooth-like? Don't'cha think they might notice?"
Digby wagged his tail.
"You're right, they're prolly never gonna look. I might as well make it shinier."
She also had the tiny netbook she'd bought propped up nearby, just so she could glance at the page she'd pulled up with ideas.
[open for phone calls, email, or that guy she lives with!]