Jun 08, 2008 09:04
Studying is exhausting. 3 days to go til exam1, and 3 topics to study. Yay... I apparently won't have time to actually revise lol. On the plus side, sleep isn't wasting my studytime since I spend all night with genetics running through my head. Oh yeah, sleeping is so restful. 2nd exam I'm getting worried about, like... I don't think I'll get to study til Weds after my first exam, and then it's on thurs. eep.
After I'm done though, I'm so going on an adventure. Don't know where to yet... maybe I'll go adventure in Adelaide and become traumatised. Or more likely I'll be lazy and just go adventure in the western suburbs or something and become equally traumatised but spend a lot less money. I miss the days of travelling though. It was fun. Everyday new people and places and acting like an idiot and taking pictures to make stories to tell the people back home. Obviously not pictures of me, except for in the Nottingham invasion, but that was a one off and I wouldn't have been able to prove the invasion was a success (which it wasn't) if I wasn't in the pics!
~yawns~ my eyes hurt