convo/ fight with jory

Jul 17, 2005 03:40

JoeBeeeenz: hey babe
weeeeepauli: hey
weeeeepauli: u still up
weeeeepauli: obviously
weeeeepauli: lol
JoeBeeeenz: heh
weeeeepauli: dumbass
JoeBeeeenz: reading
weeeeepauli: what
weeeeepauli: harry potter
JoeBeeeenz: yais
weeeeepauli: fuunnn
JoeBeeeenz: im on page 82 ^^
weeeeepauli: god
JoeBeeeenz: its really good
weeeeepauli: it took me FOREVER to read the secomd one
JoeBeeeenz: ill read this in like 3 days watch
JoeBeeeenz: I love reading ^^
weeeeepauli: but of course that was when it came out and i was young and a slow reader
JoeBeeeenz: i read the 4th one in 1 sitting
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: my mom did that with davinci code
weeeeepauli: except like 2 sittings
weeeeepauli: in one day
JoeBeeeenz: yeah
weeeeepauli: i cant do that
weeeeepauli: i really like to take my time with books too
JoeBeeeenz: well the book is 827 pages long...
weeeeepauli: which one
JoeBeeeenz: im only 1/10th through it
JoeBeeeenz: harry potter
weeeeepauli: ahhh
weeeeepauli: damn
weeeeepauli: i got new pics on myspace
JoeBeeeenz: cool
weeeeepauli: theyre funny
JoeBeeeenz: whats the link
JoeBeeeenz: im reading ^^
weeeeepauli: i dunno how to do that
JoeBeeeenz: i got the audio to
weeeeepauli: lol
JoeBeeeenz: i listened to a bit of it
JoeBeeeenz: but its slow...
weeeeepauli: how do u send a link
JoeBeeeenz: type it in
JoeBeeeenz: lol
JoeBeeeenz: lol
weeeeepauli: SHUT UP
JoeBeeeenz: thats so funny
JoeBeeeenz: those glasses
weeeeepauli: just cuz u know computer stuff and i dont doesnt give u the right
weeeeepauli: i know
JoeBeeeenz: i was loling at the pics
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: nvm
weeeeepauli: like the manties??
JoeBeeeenz: lmao
JoeBeeeenz: manties
JoeBeeeenz: yais i do
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: i changd a bunch of stuff
JoeBeeeenz: cool
weeeeepauli: i have yeadache
JoeBeeeenz: aww
JoeBeeeenz: medcine?
weeeeepauli: nope
weeeeepauli: i have menstual but
weeeeepauli: i dunno
weeeeepauli: its over there
JoeBeeeenz: yeh
weeeeepauli: uve never left me a comment
JoeBeeeenz: i dont do myspace
weeeeepauli: people will begin to think u dont exist
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: loser
weeeeepauli: u dont belong then!!!
JoeBeeeenz: waste of time...
weeeeepauli: ugh!!
weeeeepauli: i take that offensive
weeeeepauli: and is making ur girlfriend happy a waste of time???
JoeBeeeenz: nope
JoeBeeeenz: i just dont like it
weeeeepauli: what?
weeeeepauli: making ur girlfriend happy?
JoeBeeeenz: no myspace
JoeBeeeenz: ...
JoeBeeeenz: i like myspace for music
weeeeepauli: and not ur girlfriend
JoeBeeeenz: paulina chil lout
weeeeepauli: mm kay
weeeeepauli: hey
weeeeepauli: wait
weeeeepauli: were getting into full names here?
JoeBeeeenz: Im happy you found something you like
weeeeepauli: yeah..
weeeeepauli: like i hadnt already
JoeBeeeenz: im just saying its a waste of time
JoeBeeeenz: just liek you think ff11 is a waste of time
weeeeepauli: i dont think it is
JoeBeeeenz: lets not argue please
weeeeepauli: are we serious
weeeeepauli: im just talking
JoeBeeeenz: ok
weeeeepauli: but i dont think ff11 is a waste of time
weeeeepauli: its just that if ur older and spend 24 hours on there ur kind of weird
weeeeepauli: like creepy nerdy bad weirs
JoeBeeeenz: i dont...
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: im not talking about u
weeeeepauli: but i do have things i like to di
weeeeepauli: other than this
JoeBeeeenz: I know
weeeeepauli: really
weeeeepauli: cuz it usually seems like u asume ur the center of my life
JoeBeeeenz: ...
JoeBeeeenz: sometimes it seems like ti
JoeBeeeenz: it
weeeeepauli: well
weeeeepauli: u can be at times
weeeeepauli: like when im with u
JoeBeeeenz: and im not saying thats a bad thing
weeeeepauli: i knoe
JoeBeeeenz: because your the best thing thats ever happened in my life
weeeeepauli: mine too
weeeeepauli: its just that
weeeeepauli: sometimes u say what ur doing that day just kind of letting me know u cant do anything
weeeeepauli: like as if thats what i was calling for
JoeBeeeenz: sorry...
JoeBeeeenz: I have been trying not to do that
weeeeepauli: i know u havnt but it just makes me feel likeu are
JoeBeeeenz: I love to spend time with you and I try to see you whenever i can
weeeeepauli: i know
JoeBeeeenz: and i will have more time soon as school starts and my mom gets offa my back about it
weeeeepauli: i knoe
weeeeepauli: its not about that though
weeeeepauli: i duno
JoeBeeeenz: maybe we should leave it alone...
weeeeepauli: why?
JoeBeeeenz: I dunno
weeeeepauli: the one timeim actually going to speak my mind
weeeeepauli: instead of bottling it all up
weeeeepauli: which u can see has been a while of bottling up
JoeBeeeenz: ooo
JoeBeeeenz: paulina
JoeBeeeenz: I'm sorry
JoeBeeeenz: I hate aim
JoeBeeeenz: you cant conver feelings in a chat box
JoeBeeeenz: I really am sorry
weeeeepauli: i know u are
weeeeepauli: but are u sure for what?
JoeBeeeenz: for being a douche
weeeeepauli: and what does a douche do?
JoeBeeeenz: and not listening, when you have something to say
weeeeepauli: well
JoeBeeeenz: and for making you feel like your not wanted sometimes
weeeeepauli: i never talk to have something to say
weeeeepauli: and i never feel unwanted
weeeeepauli: just..
weeeeepauli: misunderstood
JoeBeeeenz: well, I'm really slow at picking up things like this
JoeBeeeenz: hello
weeeeepauli: yeah
JoeBeeeenz: I'm a guy
JoeBeeeenz: ...
JoeBeeeenz: guys have problems at sensing what a girl is thinking...
weeeeepauli: i know'
weeeeepauli: and thats why i need to tell you
weeeeepauli: and while im talking let me say that im sorry if ive made you feel like ur not worth it or not good enough
weeeeepauli: like if ive ever made u feel dumb
weeeeepauli: lol
JoeBeeeenz: ;-)
JoeBeeeenz: you havnt
weeeeepauli: like actually saying ur retarted
JoeBeeeenz: dont worry
JoeBeeeenz: I know your joking
weeeeepauli: yeah
weeeeepauli: but u also know when i runaway im joking but u said it mad u feel like i didnt likeu
JoeBeeeenz: well, I'm getting used to it
weeeeepauli: and i know that even if u were joking and u said i was retarted a lot id get a little sad
weeeeepauli: but ...
weeeeepauli: i still have one more thing to say
weeeeepauli: well kind of ask
JoeBeeeenz: ?
weeeeepauli: whats going on with the band
JoeBeeeenz: we all don't really know yet
weeeeepauli: mmmkay
JoeBeeeenz: me james and alex need to talk...
weeeeepauli: when might this happen?
JoeBeeeenz: I dunno
JoeBeeeenz: I know alex really likes ashely singing
weeeeepauli: and for me??
JoeBeeeenz: I just wanted her around to push you...
JoeBeeeenz: but she kinda took some initiative
JoeBeeeenz: ...
weeeeepauli: im just too shy??
JoeBeeeenz: I guess
JoeBeeeenz: i know you have it in you
JoeBeeeenz: and i have done my best to push you
weeeeepauli: i know
JoeBeeeenz: but it's not my fault if you just won't...
weeeeepauli: but i didnt think i was that shy at practice this time
weeeeepauli: i just didnt sing everything, cuz ashley does soooo much
JoeBeeeenz: need to learn how to sing louder than
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: and i was getting there
weeeeepauli: i dont know
weeeeepauli: u cant judge me on just that time
weeeeepauli: half the time yal were doing nothing new
JoeBeeeenz: theres been lots of times...
weeeeepauli: i knoe
weeeeepauli: before
JoeBeeeenz: and, your style of singing really doesnt fit our style of music...
weeeeepauli: okay
weeeeepauli: well then say that
weeeeepauli: fuck
weeeeepauli: dont hint!!
weeeeepauli: im sick of it
JoeBeeeenz: your voice would be awsome for a singer/sonwriter style
weeeeepauli: what??
JoeBeeeenz: like i have mentioned
weeeeepauli: what the hell is that?
JoeBeeeenz: me and u get an acoustic guitar
weeeeepauli: okay
weeeeepauli: if ul have time huh?
JoeBeeeenz: I can make time
weeeeepauli: dont bother
JoeBeeeenz: well if your not interested then...
weeeeepauli: i really dont care anymore
JoeBeeeenz: i'd be willing to put forth the time to write some songs i would love to
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: i dunno
weeeeepauli: i would like that
weeeeepauli: i..
JoeBeeeenz: I;ve read some of the stuff you wrote and i think we could do something with it
weeeeepauli: blahhhhh
JoeBeeeenz: and I think you would be more confortable just me and you, than with a buncha people cramping you
weeeeepauli: mmhmm
weeeeepauli: i dont even know if im comfortable with u
JoeBeeeenz: ...
weeeeepauli: i can try
weeeeepauli: i guess i have
weeeeepauli: i dont know
weeeeepauli: i dont know anything
weeeeepauli: i thought i did
JoeBeeeenz: It is ALOT diferent playing with a group of people than singing along with a radio
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: and i know u know
JoeBeeeenz: i have 2 years of experience thats why i am so comfortable with it
weeeeepauli: i know u have experience
weeeeepauli: wow
weeeeepauli: its amazing u take the words out of my mouth
weeeeepauli: heh
JoeBeeeenz: when i started i was so scared that everyone would think i sucked
weeeeepauli: yeah well,..
weeeeepauli: hmmm...
JoeBeeeenz: but i just kept trying
weeeeepauli: its because u always say the same things over and over again
weeeeepauli: thats all u talk about
weeeeepauli: things i already knw
JoeBeeeenz: and i would've sworn i sucked
JoeBeeeenz: i still do
JoeBeeeenz: ...
weeeeepauli: no
weeeeepauli: ur great
JoeBeeeenz: well thats how i feel
weeeeepauli: how do u feel?
JoeBeeeenz: like i suck
JoeBeeeenz: i know i suck...
JoeBeeeenz: but i still do it because i love it
weeeeepauli: i love it too
weeeeepauli: or atleast trying
weeeeepauli: alone i might add
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: i dont know
JoeBeeeenz: heh well...arnt you taking guitar
weeeeepauli: yeah
JoeBeeeenz: well learn that and play solo...
JoeBeeeenz: ill let you record it alone
weeeeepauli: but i dont want to be alone
JoeBeeeenz: ok
weeeeepauli: im fine with other people
weeeeepauli: seriously
weeeeepauli: anna and i and a couple of other people were gonna start a band
JoeBeeeenz: thats cool
weeeeepauli: and i could sing in front of them
weeeeepauli: perfectly fine
weeeeepauli: not nervous
weeeeepauli: actually ashley was gonna be a part of it,...
weeeeepauli: but w/e
JoeBeeeenz: this is why I always hinted around,,,
weeeeepauli: hinted around what?
JoeBeeeenz: peoples feelings get hurt
JoeBeeeenz: and i didnt want to be the bad guy
weeeeepauli: well
weeeeepauli: people just end up getting really annoyed
weeeeepauli: thats how i got
weeeeepauli: just
weeeeepauli: annoyed
JoeBeeeenz: I normally dont have a problem being the bad guy though...I just love you and I honestly didn't want to hurt you
weeeeepauli: well
weeeeepauli: id rather u come out and say it
JoeBeeeenz: and i should've
weeeeepauli: its too late now, but i forgive u
JoeBeeeenz: :-)
weeeeepauli: i just dont nkow what to do anymore
JoeBeeeenz: thats where i was
JoeBeeeenz: alex has been on my back...
JoeBeeeenz: he wants to stay a 3 peice
weeeeepauli: what?
JoeBeeeenz: just me him and james
JoeBeeeenz: or 4 peice w/ angy
weeeeepauli: i think yal are fine that way
JoeBeeeenz: I wouldn't mind angy though we kinda need another guitar player
weeeeepauli: the vocals suck but thats only cuz ur so loud
JoeBeeeenz: and we need a singer to
weeeeepauli: ashley??
JoeBeeeenz: maybe
weeeeepauli: well
JoeBeeeenz: i dont even know if shes right for us
weeeeepauli: i find her annoying after too long of hearing her raspy side whaling side
JoeBeeeenz: yeah...
JoeBeeeenz: I dunno
weeeeepauli: yeah
weeeeepauli: u dont have to agree with me
JoeBeeeenz: a good singer is the hardest thing to find
weeeeepauli: yeah
weeeeepauli: i bet
JoeBeeeenz: well not, a good singer in particular, because i thin kyour good and i think ashleys good
weeeeepauli: yeah
JoeBeeeenz: the right singer is the thing thats hard to find
weeeeepauli: yeah
weeeeepauli: well whats wrong wiht james
JoeBeeeenz: the singer thats voice matches our playing style
weeeeepauli: u just need to shut up
JoeBeeeenz: ...
JoeBeeeenz: I don't know
JoeBeeeenz: hes ok
JoeBeeeenz: I love singing though
weeeeepauli: but u suck
JoeBeeeenz: so
JoeBeeeenz: were not playing for anyone
weeeeepauli: so ur bringing the band down
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: im kidding
JoeBeeeenz: let me suck
weeeeepauli: well
JoeBeeeenz: i'm not trying to become famous
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: but..
JoeBeeeenz: i'm doing what i love
JoeBeeeenz: if people dont like it oh well
weeeeepauli: then why are yal trying so hard to get thigns perfect?
JoeBeeeenz: thats what you do
JoeBeeeenz: ...
weeeeepauli: let me finish
weeeeepauli: nvm
JoeBeeeenz: no finish
weeeeepauli: fo
weeeeepauli: no
weeeeepauli: i dont even remember
weeeeepauli: i forgot
JoeBeeeenz: yes you do
weeeeepauli: no
weeeeepauli: i realllly dont
JoeBeeeenz: stop holding things in
weeeeepauli: im not holding it in
JoeBeeeenz: wouldnt have said that if you didnt have anything to say
weeeeepauli: i know
JoeBeeeenz: just say it
weeeeepauli: but it doesnt make sense now
weeeeepauli: so im not gonna say it
JoeBeeeenz: w/e
weeeeepauli: yeah
weeeeepauli: it wasnt bad or anything
JoeBeeeenz: ok
weeeeepauli: mm kay
weeeeepauli: maybe i should just go to sleep
JoeBeeeenz: as should i
JoeBeeeenz: but i know i cant...
weeeeepauli: well
weeeeepauli: stay up all night then
JoeBeeeenz: i was thinking abotu it
JoeBeeeenz: i need to make it a whole night one night to fix my sleeping patern...
weeeeepauli: mm kay
JoeBeeeenz: im just gonna read all night
JoeBeeeenz: and get my school shit finished early
JoeBeeeenz: and go see about testing out of classes
JoeBeeeenz: i read up on it abit
JoeBeeeenz: i can prolly test out of 20-25 credits
JoeBeeeenz: ^^
weeeeepauli: i really have no idea what ur talking about but okay
weeeeepauli: il see u next week
JoeBeeeenz: lol it is next week ^^
weeeeepauli: what?
JoeBeeeenz: its monday mornign
weeeeepauli: yeah
weeeeepauli: thats a different story
JoeBeeeenz: I love you
JoeBeeeenz: I know that doesnt fix anything, but I do no matter what
weeeeepauli: i know
weeeeepauli: me too
JoeBeeeenz: :-*
JoeBeeeenz: Ill see you in a little while?
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: u goin read?
JoeBeeeenz: I am ^^
JoeBeeeenz: its such a good book
JoeBeeeenz: U ok?
weeeeepauli: how do u spell hiatt?
JoeBeeeenz: as in mrs hiat
JoeBeeeenz: i dont know for sure
weeeeepauli: oh well
weeeeepauli: im fine
JoeBeeeenz: good good
weeeeepauli: yais
JoeBeeeenz: I don't want to fight, ok
weeeeepauli: i knos
weeeeepauli: know
JoeBeeeenz: i know its inevitable
JoeBeeeenz: and i also know that sometimes its needed
JoeBeeeenz: just not fun:-\
weeeeepauli: i really needed to say that
weeeeepauli: the stuff i said
weeeeepauli: not to be mean
JoeBeeeenz: and i should've a long time ago
weeeeepauli: or fight
weeeeepauli: just
weeeeepauli: some things werent known
JoeBeeeenz: yeah, well not to anyone, yet
weeeeepauli: what?
JoeBeeeenz: no one is sure
weeeeepauli: no ones sure about what?
JoeBeeeenz: i dont know
weeeeepauli: u dont know what no one was sure of?
JoeBeeeenz: i dont even know why i said that
weeeeepauli: well
weeeeepauli: my cat is really annoying
JoeBeeeenz: aww
weeeeepauli: so
weeeeepauli: are u gonna stay up all night?
JoeBeeeenz: prooly
JoeBeeeenz: im on page 102
weeeeepauli: well r u gonna be all tired tomorrow?
JoeBeeeenz: nah imma grab some energy drinks
weeeeepauli: mmkay
weeeeepauli: well what time u comn
JoeBeeeenz: when u want me to?
weeeeepauli: whenever u feel like it
weeeeepauli: i dont care
JoeBeeeenz: ok
JoeBeeeenz: 10ish?
weeeeepauli: mm kay
weeeeepauli: if i dont answer
weeeeepauli: if u call first
weeeeepauli: im asleep
JoeBeeeenz: ok
weeeeepauli: so,..
JoeBeeeenz: ill sneaks in and wake u up
weeeeepauli: yea
weeeeepauli: i guess thatl work
JoeBeeeenz: or i could just come sleep w/ u
weeeeepauli: i thought u werent sleeping
JoeBeeeenz: well i really feel like holding you right now
weeeeepauli: :-*
weeeeepauli: that makes me smile
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: and cry a lil
JoeBeeeenz: i just got to chapter 5
JoeBeeeenz: so i can pick up from there later
JoeBeeeenz: ill leave my mom a note
weeeeepauli: seriously?
JoeBeeeenz: yes
weeeeepauli: okay'
weeeeepauli: you wont get in trouble?
JoeBeeeenz: probablyt
JoeBeeeenz: but whatever
weeeeepauli: i dont want u to have to deal with ur mom
JoeBeeeenz: i really dont care...
JoeBeeeenz: i want to be with you
weeeeepauli: u sure?
JoeBeeeenz: yais
weeeeepauli: yay
weeeeepauli: lol
JoeBeeeenz: ill leave it like i left at 7 or something lol
weeeeepauli: what?
JoeBeeeenz: ill just tell her i stayed up all night and got an early start
weeeeepauli: o
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: so its not like u snuck out really
weeeeepauli: just left early
JoeBeeeenz: yeah
JoeBeeeenz: ill just be like paulina was still up and i was going get her and going do my stuff for 7
JoeBeeeenz: then sleeping til 1
JoeBeeeenz: we should just do that ^^
JoeBeeeenz: think u could stay up for 4 more horus
weeeeepauli: possibly
weeeeepauli: im sure if ur here
weeeeepauli: if im alone its difficult
weeeeepauli: i get bored
JoeBeeeenz: ok
JoeBeeeenz signed off at 15:10:20.
JoeBeeeenz signed on at 15:10:30.
JoeBeeeenz: screw
weeeeepauli: what
weeeeepauli: moi??
JoeBeeeenz: it closed
JoeBeeeenz: lol
weeeeepauli: why do i have tiny little bumps on my arm?
JoeBeeeenz: cold?
weeeeepauli: like little zits?
weeeeepauli: not goosebumps
JoeBeeeenz: i dont know
weeeeepauli: these are always there
JoeBeeeenz: chicken pox
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: i got vaccinated for that
JoeBeeeenz: ^^
JoeBeeeenz: measels
weeeeepauli: lol
weeeeepauli: nope
weeeeepauli: these have been here for a couple of years that ive noticed
weeeeepauli: at the top part of my arm
weeeeepauli: near my shoulder
JoeBeeeenz: no clue
weeeeepauli: i pop them
weeeeepauli: ewwwww
weeeeepauli: shouldnt have done that
JoeBeeeenz: :-(
weeeeepauli: oh well
weeeeepauli: shit
weeeeepauli: they feel bigger now
weeeeepauli: and my arms all red
weeeeepauli: heh
weeeeepauli: reading'?
JoeBeeeenz: yeah
JoeBeeeenz: not harry potter
weeeeepauli: what
JoeBeeeenz: school junk
weeeeepauli: filled ur papers out yet?
JoeBeeeenz: yeah
JoeBeeeenz: ok im gonna write her a note
JoeBeeeenz: and ill be there in a lil bit
weeeeepauli: mm kay
weeeeepauli: bye
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