Jan 12, 2008 00:52
i w as ment to go out tonight with my friend from back home but he is sick!
i wish he would have told me because i had other plans in which i moved around to fit him in.
my wife said we would also go out, she didn't tell me we were no longer going out till about 11pm, she is being a cunt!
i wish ppl would just do as they say or not bother saying it at all. if i was to do it, ppl would get mad at me but i don't see me getting mad getting me what i want!
my friends are fucking up, apart from one who is really being there for me. he has his own stuff going on but still fits me in to his life, i feel bad because i did stuff with him, i hope he hasn't got feelings for me because it would just ruin the only real friend ship i feel i have right now.
locking my self in my room is making it worse, i don't know how to pull my self out of this depressive slump i have found my self in, maybe i should start taking my meds again.
i was doing so well with out them, it would be a shame to take them again.
even my bestfriend isn't talking to me and i think i know why but i didn't mean to do what i did, i know i should have messed with the guys she like but i only went home with him because i felt safe with him, i didn't know he would abuse my trust like that and even though i did stuff with him i still think he is my one true friend.
it's not like i told him how i felt so i can't blame him for any of it!