what a difference a month makes......
so, i no longer work. i gave my notice and my last day was may 19th. we closed on may 20th :) i am now a housewife and it is awesome. i keep a clean house. the expensive cookware my grandma gave us as a housewarming gift does not make the food i make taste any better, but the practice i'm getting does. the range of dishes i can make is small for now, because the fridge we ordered from hhgregg two weeks ago still hasn't come (tomorrow finally!). we've been living out of coolers like we're car-camping.
we have two new kitties patrick and i adopted from the shelter. they follow me around like dogs. we went looking having kittens in mind, but this one was such a loverboy i wanted him instead:
his name is morgan freeman. patrick named him, and i still don't get it. but the morgan suits him, and the freeman makes the vet laugh, so there it is. morgan is three years old and loves loves LOVES to be petted. his signature move is to rub his head sideways on the floor and then flop his butt over in a half-somersault. he had ear mites and a little scabbie behind his ear from scratching, but i give him syringe meds and ear drops every day and he doesn't fight me too hard. his boo-boo is clearing up and he's completely healthy otherwise. at 13# he's a big cat, and has a big tom-cat head. he is VERY sweet, but dumb as a rock. if we come upstairs and he doesn't follow us, we can call him and call him and he'll walk around crying until you show him you've walked up the stairs.
we also found this pretty little thing:
her name is maisey, and at a year-and-a-half is a dainty 5#. she's got a cold and is also on syringe meds, but she is also easy to treat, and doesn't spit half of it back on herself like morgan does. she eats messy though. three bites into her meal there is already half a dozen food bits outside of her dish. she is also a love-slut. she sleeps harder than any animal i've ever seen. and because of her cold she snores. it's just about the cutest thing ever. she likes to be right in my lap or on top of me while i sleep.
fortunately, they get along together. every other day or so they like to have a mexican standoff, but they've never swatted at each other, and are more likely to sniff each others butts and noses.
there are more pictures of our house, but i don't have them on my computer. my step-dad made me a picnic bench. it is beautiful and the view from it is amazing. he told me that he'd decided years ago that if i ever got a house he was going to make me one, because he knows how much i've always appreciated his. i cried when he gave it to us, which made it all worth it for him.
we have so much space....and hardly any furniture. two of patrick's friends have moved in and taken two of our extra rooms. the extra money is nice, and i wish we could find some furniture we liked so we could spend some of it. we've been looking for a couch and haven't found anything we love. we have a weird shaped living room, so sectionals don't work for us. the way the house is set up, there is space on one side for a small formal living room and dining room, and then space on the other side for a small kitchen table and a family room. i hate all that space chopped up like that, and i especially hate rooms that never get used. so we're turning the family room into a big dining room because the kitchen opens up on that side. we're getting a dining room table that will seat 10 (yay ikea!) and my step-dad volunteered us to host thanksgiving :) with a 10-seat table we're still about 10 seats short. the giant dining room idea works for us because we both have big families and want everyone to fit. the other side off the kitchen to the left of the stairs, the living/dining room is becoming one big family room. we have to run cable into that room and the shape of it is long and sort-of narrow. but that is the room with the 2-story ceilings and the view from where the couch will sit up onto the landing is nicer. it will take longer to fill the spaces, but ultimately more practical in the long run.
we have this room under the stairs with a full-size door and a bright light that i'm going to turn into a play-room for kids. the wall on one side will be lined with wipe-off board and the other side i'm going to paint with chalkboard paint. a little table and chairs and some cubbies will fit in there, so i think it will be a good place to let the kids trash instead of wreaking havoc over the rest of the house. in that room the rules will be minimal. don't write on the walls with the wrong stuff, and be nice to each other.
i bought a dress i think i'm going to get married in:
the wedding 'ceremony' (which is really just patrick talking a lot, me talking a little, and kym saying one line) starts at 10am on july 30th at my parents house. we're only inviting close family and even then we add up to almost 70 people, about 50 adults and 20 kids. i expect the sort-of-vows to take less than 15 minutes, then we take pictures until we leave for lunch at carrabba's at 11:30. after lunch we'll go back to the house for cake and swimming until we're pooped. patrick and i leave sunday morning for a mysterious honeymoon destination that i'm not allowed to know about.
neither one of us can believe how lucky we are.
also, 06/01/2011 period started. this timing means that i will not be getting pregnant on our honeymoon. i expect we'll start trying the very next time i ovulate.
the thought of giving birth terrifies me.