Shout, scream, roar sucks

Jul 10, 2011 11:52

I have a new layout. *happy*      clicky
Haha I dont' have enough time to edit the css or everything, but maybe later. but I love this! :D ♥ In a few minutes I need to start my work. Argh my life. Hopefully, the senior did not try to humiliate my feeling anymore, though I doubt she'll change her heart or anything regarding me. Whatever.

About the riot in my country. I hate them who started the riot. Who did not care about other's welfare. Who are being selfish. Who are being a pain in the ass to every other innocent's people. Just, I want peace please. Ugh.

Kanjani release another single, huh? JE I AM DISAPPOINTED. :||

I want to link something, but my mind is not so functioning and co-operating rn.

Have a good day! 

big announcement, *public

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