ashita no tamei ni

Aug 19, 2011 21:35

I've watched Ashita no Joe. My thoughts on it. Well...

1) Yamapi. *____* Yamapi is very cute. Really really love his hair, methinks it suits him very very very well. Ughh which reminds me I totally hate his hair rn, the messy, curly, long hair, NOOOO. Hopefully, he do try to do something with his hair before he'll go on TV on that program next week! Hopefully.... -.-' (lol sorry for the babblings) But oh well, seriously I think his acting in this is very good. It does show how serious he was in doing this movie. I do admit that sometimes there is some scene where I do want him to express more, but I take what I can get!!!

2) Lol whenever there's some serious punch on the face, the face will be totally scrunch up! I hate it. DNW the cgi or whatever, I prefer the originality because hey, they do really punch it other strongly~ Other than that, I pretty much try watching all the box scene, though I'll swear I really hate boxing!!!

3) I like Pi's grinning face in this!!!

4) Yamapi brushes his teeth. My dream do ocme true. omg.

5) omg Yusuke's body is scarily scary. The intense training to lower his weight is ;___; Then his dead scene is saaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Crying Pi ;_;, the dramatic falling, ughhh my heart.

6) Karina do well in this. God, she's so beautiful. I'm also starting to watch Misaki No. 1. omg I love it so far. Lol, tbh, it's not that far, I'm still not done with Episode 1. ;)

7) Sometimes I feel like the movie is just toooooo long, but I do appreciate the movie very much.

8) There's weaknesses here and there in this movie. But overally, I really have a good time watching it!!! Please do watch it if you've free time!

Sorry, if my thoughts are lame, but whatever~

Lol I'll stop working on 26/8 next Friday, omg I can't even believe I survive working there, what with all the babblings and problems I had, but I do enjoy the job nevertheless, the new friends I get to know, the customers, the money (well, duh obviously!), and everything. God I'm gonna miss it!!!! ;__; That being said, couple of days after that, there'll be Eid!!! Exciteeeeeeed! About my fasting, well I've already skip 2 days now(and still counting), due to well, period~~

I hope everyone is doing well! I'm myself are doing very well, though sometimes my female hormone do show it's face! :D Happy day/week!

job things, flailing is the best, yamapi, movie

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