Nov 27, 2005 03:47
i almost messed my world up twice in one week...i've driven around on bad rotors (metal disk where brakes are:p) and when i hit the brakes the rear rotor on the driver side broke completely off!! and the other side was just about to break off, so my dad spent up to 100 bucks just for the pieces, and paid donnie 50 dollars to change the rotors since we couldnt get em off. i have to check the front ones prolly tomorrow, sometime just to be on the safe side cuz they was turned too much. the other thing i did was almost droppin a 20 pound dumbell on my looseing it, lol!! i was watching true life on mtv (i dont remember which episode though) and i seen this guy doing push ups, but he was holding hiself up on bars connected to the ground, so i tried it with the weights on the ground, and it actually works, hurts but it works.
my dad said that he made a mistake cuz he should've gotten me to play football cuz i would've been bigger like everyone else in my family...which is true, but i can still lift and get a lil bigger. i think im gettin the size want to though, lol!! my mom thinks that im lifting weights so i can kick oj's ass when he messes wit tina, lol!! im stuntin him...right now anyways, lol!! me and my dad was talking and we're thinking about turning my room into a weight room since i got a lil room for some more stuff.
my mom and dad have noticed another change in me recently...which is true...cuz they've seen me being lazier, and staying home more, and a lil depressed...its all cuz i dont have a job to put money in my pocket, and im getting tired of depending on them to give me money to goto school, and hangout...but my did notice that im trying to build my confidence back up cuz ive been lifting all week, concentrating on drawing more, and i surprised him by not askin to drive the alero tonight :p
my freakin cell phone is screwed!! the screen with caller id is broke, and my screen doesnt work like its supposed too, it comes up black...its fuckin wack man x(