Other than the fact he's insanely hot and I want to lick his cranium, I know next to nothing about this week's mandidate, the crotch-grabbing-tastic hip hop dude
Rick Ross. I've checked out a few of his tracks and it all sounds fairly average gangsta to me. I will say he bears a striking resemblance to
Truck-Turner-era Isaac Hayes. That's certainly not a bad thing. But other than the sound of me drooling, there isn't much to say, so I'm just gonna let the images do most of the talking for me today. This first one speaks volumes to me!
And for a something a little more moving, the first video below has something for many of us (the armpit fans, the suit fans and my favourite, the nub fans).
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And with this one, someone did my work for me by just stringing a bunch of RR stills together.
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this one, but it shows Ross at his hottest if you ask me.