Jan 02, 2005 20:57
Well, on the bright side, I happen to be losing my mind.
I took my grandmother to Brady today so we could meet my uncle, her son, so he could take her back to Abilene. It was a nice five (5) hour experience. I find that I like being alone rather than in the company of others. I can think better and I don't have to worry about any thing. Like things I say, the way I talk or any thing like that. Everything going on is in my head so it all makes sense.
If you ever come home and find that your mother has taped "Airport '77", and this is hypothetically speaking of course, may I suggest not watching it. Unless you happen to be in the mood where you enjoy making fun of every thing on the screen then by all means. But don't torture yourself by purposefully selecting it.
Ha! Happy! Smiles! Giggles! Goody-goody! Bollocks.
Oh yeah, I forgot. No one cares.
Someone call me. I'm not looking for a pity call or anything. Just ignore the statements above and I don't know, grace me with your presence/voice/interest.
The wacky morning DJ says democracry's a joke...