A few days ago Scott asked me if i could draw him an image similar to the Uncle Sam recruitment poster...
...he wanted Uncle Sam to be replaced by his World of Warcraft character, as this is to advertise something on our guild forums...so i set to work doing a rough sketch and when i started doing the lineart Scott seemed very impressed...you see i was trying something new with my digital 'inking' and varying the line thickness...it actually made the whole image look...well....good :P it did take a lot longer than my normal outlines but really i think it was worth it :) have a look...
Scott's WoW character is an undead warlock...hence the skull like appearance of his face...im quite happy with how it turned out...i do need more practice with varying the line thickness though..as it should be based upon where the light source is coming from...but for now it'll do :)
I sent the outline over to Scott's PC and he had the job of coluring it and adding text so he could use it for its intended purpose...and heres the finished product...
i think it looks awesome :D but im so tempted to go back to the lineart now and add in a
wee murloc peeking over his right shoulder just for comedy value! so watch this space for an updated Uncle Neccy pic!