weebeanie 101

Jun 09, 2028 00:53

My intro to fanfic was through Supernatural.

I was trying to cope with the wait for the new season and then stumbled on some Supernatural fanfic online.

I found an SGA McShep fic and I was intrigued. I hadn’t actually seen Stargate Atlantis at this point but I went out and bought the DVD box set that week, discovered my inner slash shipper and fell in love. McShep is my first slash love and like all first loves is perfect in my mind. I could (and have) happily spend days at a time reading McShep stories...

John and Rodney led me to my favourite Slash author, the incomparable Keira Marcos. I am daily in awe of her talent and her Universes give me hours of reading pleasure.

So I was happily reading McShep and even popped my fanfic cherry to write a few drabbles and ficlets of my own.

Then Keira wrote Tangled Destinies and of course I got hooked on Kirk/Spock.

I’m a Kirk/Spock girl through and through. I can enjoy any pairing that doesn’t split up my OTP but that said I devour fic and if I like an author will read all their pairings. I mainly focus on Reboot but read TOS too. I watched TOS as a child but really need to re-watch whole series and films as it’s been quite a while! (It's on my must buy list).

So McShep is like my first love and K/S my current passionate love affair.  I will occasionally 
  "cheat" with Supernatural, Criminal Minds, NCIS, Harry Potter, Psych, Sherlock but will feel
  terribly guilty and rush back to K/S or McShep.

I don’t really have time for new addictions but am quite easily tempted and corrupted... Lead
  me to your fandoms and I will follow!

slice of life, livejournal

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