(no subject)

Dec 15, 2012 13:16

I teach a class of 5 and 6 year olds.

On Friday 20+ mums and dads dropped off the most precious person in their life at my classroom door.

20+ innocent little children greeted me with smiles, laughter and chatter.

20+ little children had complete trust that they would be safe as they stuck together robin decorations, made snowmen cards, squabbled with their BFF, practised their Christmas show, admired my cookie monster hat, covered the floor with paper scraps, glitter and pen lids, broke the trumpet off the angel on the Nativity set AGAIN, made up with their BFF, held my hand as we walked on the playground, cut out dozens of colourful gingerbread men, made paper plate angels, mixed up all the paint on the easel so all 6 colours became brown, hung robins on the tree in the hall and gathered together to listen to a story.

At the end of the day I handed 20+ well-wrapped up, over-excited and tired children over to 20+ mums and dads who got to hug their kids, carry their bags, PE kits and lunch boxes and herd them home in the pouring rain.

I hadn't appreciated how perfect and precious a day this was until I read news when I got home.

My heart breaks for those little children and teachers in Newton, Conneticut and their families left behind.

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