The Morning After

Jun 09, 2012 20:46

Title: The Morning After
Author: Weebeanie
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Genre: Romance (McShep)
Rating: PG
Length: 627 words
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. No copyright infringement is intended. I am merely borrowing them, playing nicely and returning them in pristine condition.

Summary: Some dreams are too delicious to wake up from...

Written to McSheplets prompt challenge # 125 Lazy

Rodney McKay slammed a hand on the alarm which had the nerve to interrupt the best dream he’d had in months. Curling back into the cocoon of sheets and pillows he determinedly clung to the unusual morning sensation of sweetly sensual lethargy. He deserved a chance to be lazy for once.

“Hey, Sleepyhead?”

“Wha? m’sleepin’.”

“C’mon Mer. Time to rise and shine.”

Only one person would dare to call him by that name and expect to live.

Maybe this newly discovered imagination had its drawbacks after all.

Conjuring an interruption from his incredibly annoying baby sister was creepy to say the least. Though not totally shocking, considering Jeannie’s cock-blocking tendencies as a teenager. But this was totally unfair! If Jeannie got to shack up and reproduce with an English Major then he should at least get to make out with a fantasy lover uninterrupted.

“Go ‘way Jeannie. Jus’ need five more minutes…”

“Kay buddy, but I gotta hit the shower.”

Fine, Good, Wait…


Since when was the construction on his new bathroom completed?

Yeah, that was the weirdness - his lack of a fully functional shower room.

Rodney reluctantly forced his eyes open to meet the enigmatic gaze of the dark haired man staring down at him.

His fantasy lover was…

Johnny Cash?

He rubbed his eyes before focusing blearily on the giant poster covering the wall across from the bed.

Ok this was good. Wasn’t it?

Now he could probably rule out time travel, necrophilia and the supernatural.

Instead he’d apparently gone home with a complete stranger.

Nothing to worry about at all…

Panic threatened at finding himself in a stranger’s apartment. An apartment which had not been subjected to his usual stringent citrus-proofing! Well actually the whole not being dead thing suggested he was probably safe on that count. But that still left a host of other not-so delightful possibilities.

Rodney rapidly replayed the events of the previous day.  He had been at a club and of course the whole reason he was there was because of Zelenka and Grodin. They had insisted on celebrating the final success of a project which had monopolized every moment of their lives for the past six months.

Radek in particular had been insistent that Rodney needed to lighten up and have some fun, claiming that months of extended celibacy were driving Rodney (and by extension the entire lab) crazy.

After that things were a bit… unrealistic.

Because seriously, this kind of thing did not happen to Meredith Rodney McKay!  He did not meet gorgeous strangers and go home with them. No, no. This had to be some sort of intense dream state induced by self-deprivation and overwork.

And since none of this was actually real he didn’t have to worry about citrus or axe murderers. He would just curl up in this amazingly comfortable bed and replay every deliciously perfect moment of his fantasy. The lab could take care of itself for a change. He had an appointment with hazel eyes, teasing lips and careful hands. Mmmm. Oh yeah, he wasn’t planning on waking up any time soon.

The sudden blast of a disturbingly perky ring tone jolted him awake again. Unfortunately the damn thing was out of his reach, lying on a table across the room next to a copy of War and Peace. Which he was fairly sure he didn’t actually own a copy of. Okaay. Maybe his hallucination theory wasn’t going to cut it.

No need to panic.

Wait, he couldn’t hear the noise of running water anymore. And wasn’t the door to the shower room opening?

Maybe a minor panic was appropriate.

Rodney’s breath caught as an incredibly hot, half-naked, wet guy stepped into the room.


Most definitely not a dream then...

fandom: stargate-atlantis, mcsheplets challenge, genre: romance

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