Time to come back to you my friend

Jun 22, 2011 13:36

The last few months have been a blur. Between work and my social life gave me little time to sit back and collect my thoughts.


Went home to Easter to visit my family, and friends. It was a short trip. I left Sunday and came back Monday Night. I’m glad I went. It was the first time that we all spent a major holiday together in 10 yrs without killing each other. We stuck to very neutral topics. It wasn’t perfect but it was a start.

I took a walk in the old neighborhood with my sister. She told me that there been many fires in Brossard as of recently. Part of it was because of the shoddy construction when they built the houses 40 yrs ago. She showed me one home that went up in flames recently. Lucky the people weren’t home at the time.

After dinner I headed downstairs to inspect my stuff. I found some old pics of myself, my friends and family. I plan to post them up here soon.

This is a picture of my mom, my sister, and my dog Cognac. This was taken in the 90's. My dog has since passed away.

Early pic of my dad with my sister and my cousins from my mom's side. Took a big effort to get my dad to be in the picture. He hated getting his picture taken. He passed away nearly 20 yrs ago from Cancer.

Little ole me at 13yrs.....(?)

Then I went out and partied with BJ and Bucket , who are now engaged ..yahoo!!! And my friend Anthony. Hung out with my friend Carl on  Monday and saw his new place in NDG. In fact it’s two blocks away from Bucket’s store, Chimera.


Joined Proud Toronto facebook  campaign to save Pride Toronto funding. Pride funding was being threatened to get cut by The City under the notion that Pride allowed Queers Against Israeli Apartheid to march in the parade last year, even though the city own manager declared that Pride did not violate  the anti discrimination policy.

You can read all about it here





On Tuesday May 24th I went to city hall to attend the  executive meeting. It was a difficult meeting at times full of  political theatre by both sides with the executive playing one side against the other so that they can deny Pride it’s funding.  Our new Mayor Rob Ford and his crew are homophobes to the 10th decree.

It’s something I have to express in a separate blog. Still sorting out my feelings over the whole thing.

In the end, calmer heads prevails and spoke their minds for and against Pride Funding. I defended Pride’s funding to the executive committee, and spoke why Pride is important to Queer People and the city.


Busy organizing the bears to participate in Pride. We raised close to 1000$ thanks to donations, and some small fundraisers. Now it’s just putting it all together.  :)

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