Boring Ramblings

Dec 08, 2009 06:05

  • 08:01 @ NA9D Tell Jane that C3 is here to help her keep up the fight! #
  • 09:17 @ carleab If I didn't already know you weren't coming to the office 1st thing I would say that you missed a turn! #
  • 10:19 "Happy Hour" by The Housemartins always cheers me up! #musicmonday #
  • 13:05 RT @fairfaxcounty: Braddock Road/Route 123 interchange improvements near GMU endorsed; learn more about the project: #
  • 13:15 I added the TaunTaun sleeping bag from @thinkgeek to my @kaboodle Christmas wish list! #
  • 13:57 Remember, you only have 16 more shopping days to buy me a present for Christmas!!! #
  • 14:11 How on earth did it get to be 2:10 already???!!! #
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music, work, link, christmas, shopping, c3, twitter

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