This is not another stupid Mooninites post

Feb 01, 2007 15:02

Yeah, yeah! EVERYONE is posting about how stoopid this is and blah blah blah. But sorry to burst your little USA Censorship bubble, but this is a serious threat.

In the world where "Toy Bombs" are popping up all over the middle east and elsewhere, where toys loaded with explosives are left at schools for booby traps for children. This sort of thing, is easilly identifiable to anyone tracking current 'terrorist bombing patterns.'

Not to mention the placement, of bridges and communter highways, (think london communter bombings.)

Its not like it was some 'fly i-pod' dancing silloquettes that were over spent on for advertising. You put up these rinkydink led, homemade looking things, and leave no explainations, and OF COURSE, you are going to piss people off in the 'anti-terrorist' community. Not to mention the US FBI currently consider flipping someone 'the middle finger' to be a convictable offense. SO take I can see how they can take something as seemingly comon as a piss off gesture, to be a criminal assualt.

Becos! FYI! THERE ARE BOMBINGS GOING ON EVERYDAY ALL OVER THE WORLD! and most of the USA is living in a censored bubble of its not OUR WORLD, thats someone else's problem, and the tired old phraze, it can't happen here, even the most idoidic american can't have missed 911. so...yeah.

Making fun of this is rather sad, and might just reflect your personal ignorance of world events,
more then Boston authorities over-reaction to unknown circumstances.

Becos this is what terrorist bombs look like: they look like fun toys to play with, they look like free backpacks accidentally left behind, they look like garbage bags someone thru away, they look like people over dressed for the weather in big red jackets, they look like cel phones, they look like freaking 747 jumbo jets...

I am glad they arrested these people. THey should fine the cartoon channel with at least a billion dollars, add it up 3 hours traffic back up or commuters, even at say 5 million people at $8 a hour.. thats 1.2 billion dollars in lost wages for a bunch of hardworking honest people...not even from the corporations, but peopl's life. and thats not to mention the environmental damage that the traffic back-up is responsible for, thats global warming. I mean its ok, to wait in traffic for a giant accident, when people are killed, and eat the costs, as what price can you put on human life, but for an obvious advertising hoax.

sure sure it sounds stupid, but playing into terrorism and creating problems, this doesn't sound smart at all...despite how corrupt some of the government maybe, its still not right.
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