- Aaaaaw poor William. :(
- Poor Edith; always being forgotten over Mary/Sybil.
Mary spends time with her aunt.
Oooooh daggers across the table!
- 'Out for a smoke' = scheming...
- William: (as O'Brien and Thomas leave the kitchen) "There they go; Guy Fawkes and his assistant."
Gwen: "Which is which?"
Robert: "Pregnant?"
Cora: "You seem shocked."
Robert: "Give me a moment. You haven't been pregnant for eighteen years."
Cora: "And I'm pregnant now."
Robert: "I don't understand what we've done differently."
LMAOOOOO. What kind of a statement is that?! XD
- Uh oh...Cora's pregnancy could be disastrous for Matthew. :/
What's in that letter??? I don't like the look on these two's faces. D:
- Oh Robert don't be so squeamish about women's 'changes'. :P
Evelyn tells Mary it was Edith who posted the story about her...
Violet's reaction to Cora's pregnancy. ♥ :D
- Cora: "Oh you poor thing. Is there anything worse than losing one's maid?"
Violet: "I mean why would she want to leave me? I've been as gentle as a lamb." (Cora gives her a skeptical look) "Most of the time."
- Robert: "I want to say I'll make provision for you if it's a boy and you get pushed out."
Dan Stevens has a nice profile. ;)
Bates is digging himself into a bigger hole if he can't be completely honest and I'm afraid that's going to go against him. :/
- Robert's theory on Bates as an assassin, now that I'd like to see. XD
- Carson: "While the letter is hard to argue with, I wouldn't put anything past Thomas or Miss O'Brien."
(Robert looks stunned)
- Good on Carson for that little dig about O'Brien & Thomas to Robert. :D
- Mary: "Why granny, you're such a romantic."
Violet: (slightly taken aback) "I've been called many things but never that."
- Violet: "I was right about my maid. She's leaving, to get married! I mean how can she be so selfish?!"
- Bates: "I don't like the sound of any of it. War is on the way."
William: "Then we must face it as bravely as we can."
Thomas: "Thank you mister cannon fodder."
Gwen: "Well don't you think a war is coming?"
Thomas: "Oh there'll be a war alright. It's time to prepare for it."
Anna: "The country do you mean?"
Thomas: "No me."
Bates: "You never disappoint."
Mrs Patmore: (on being told she & Anna will be going to London to stay with Robert's sister) "I'm afraid I'm going to have to sit in your presence, m'lord."
Aaaaaaw. :D
Come on Bates, tell Robert the truth. :(
Anna: (on going to London the following day) "Will you miss me?"
Bates: "Try not to miss me; it'll be good practice."
- Robert: (about Bates) "Carson isn't so keen to get rid of him either, and he normally comes down on this sort of thing like a tonne of bricks."
Cora: "What's his reasoning?"
Robert: "He blames Thomas and O'Brien. He says they've been working against Bates since he got here."
Cora: (not noticing O'Brien coming into the room) "So I should sack O'Brien instead?"
Robert: "You'll hear no arguement from me."
O'Brien: "This should do the trick my lady..."
- Awwwwwwkward...
Poor Mrs Patmore. :(
Anna turns detective.
- Ooooooooh where is Bates's wife? :O
- Assuming Edith has a marriage proposal, YAY but I've a bad feeling that Mary's gonna sabotage it... :/
- Violet: (to Isobel) "Your quarrel is with my daughter Rosamund, not me. So stick that in your pipe and smoke it!"
Molesley catches Thomas with Caron's wallet. Thomas is out now surely.
- Robert: (to Matthew) "You do know that I should be very proud to have you as my son-in-law, whatever your prospects."
Mrs Bird: "There are worse crimes on earth than loyalty. Dry your eyes. Fetch the beef stew I was making for tomorrow. You've not had a chance to spoil that I suppose?"
Daisy: (on sabotaging the wrong dinner) "I was going to mix in some syrup of figs but I haven't done that yet."
(The rest of the servants start smirking)
Thomas: "Well at least we'd have all been regular..."
- LMFAO oh Daisy. ♥
- Sybil: "Sorry Papa you cannot go in there."
Robert: "Whyever not?"
Sybil: "Gwen's in there with Mr Bromwich. She's being interviewed."
Robert: "I cannot use my library because one of the housemaids is in there applying for another job?"
Sybil: "That's about the size of it."
(Robert sighs and turns back the way he came)
- Hope Gwen gets the secretarial position but at the same time, I want her to stay at Downton. ;)
LOL of course Carson won't know how to use it...ROFL point proven. XD
- Aaaaw so Bates was covering for someone; where is the wife now??
- "I want to be really useful to my country" - oh bullshit Thomas, you're just trying to save your own neck. Coward.
- Finally Mrs Patmore and Mrs Bird agree on something and gang up on Mrs Hughes. XD
O'Brien: (handing Cora half the soap) "The other half's under the bath."
(She kicks the other half of soap closer to the bath to where Cora would be stepping out)
OMG BITCH. I actually thought she was going to drown Cora instead. :O :O :O
- O'Brien: (catching sight of herself in the mirror) "Sarah O'Brien this is not who you are. My lady if you would just wait-"
(Cora shrieks followed by a heavy thud in the next room. O'Brien stops dead in her tracks)
- Oh shit...Cora'll probably miscarry now and I bet the wee one would have been a boy.
- Oh please no...noooooooooooooo. :'(
Bates: "I don't suppose you'll want to change but is there anything else I can do to be useful?"
Robert: (turning round from the window to face him) "It was a boy..." (He breaks down and turns away to face the window) "I'm sorry, I don't mean to embarrass you."
Bates: "I'm not embarrassed; I just wish you could have been spared this."
Robert: "I know you do. Thank you. By the way Anna's told me what she learned in London."
Bates: "Has she? She's not told me."
Robert: "Oh, well the good news is you won't be leaving Downton and I need some good news today."
- OMG poor Robert & Cora. :( :( :( I even feel a tiny bit sorry for O'Brien but too little too late. >:|
(The kitchen and O'Brien is in a world of her own)
Mrs Hughes: "That poor wee babe."
Anna: "How's her ladyship doing?"
Mrs Hughes: "I'll take a tray up in a wee minute but I daresay she won't touch a bite."
William: "What about you, Miss O'Brien?"
O'Brien: (snapping out of it) "What about me?"
William: "It must have been quite a shock."
O'Brien: "Yes, yes it was..."
(Branson enters the kitchen)
Carson: "I think you'd better dine with us Mr Branson, we can't know if you might be needed later."
Branson: "Well, I'm to go for the doctor at ten."
Thomas: (sauntering in) "What a low-faced lot."
Carson: "Kindly show some respect."
Thomas: "Come on Mr Carson, she'll get over it. They're no bigger than a hamster at that stage."
Bates: (glaring) "Will you shut up."
Mrs Hughes: "I agree, what is the matter with you Thomas?!"
Thomas: "I dunno, suppose all this makes me claustrophobic. I mean I'm sorry, 'course I am but why must we live through them? They're just our employers, they're not our flesh and blood."
Daisy: "Thomas don't be so unkind."
William: "Is there nothing left on earth you respect?"
Thomas: "Look at him. Blimey, if he carries on like this for the unborn baby of a woman who scarely knows his name, no wonder he fell to pieces when his old mum snuffed it."
(William stands up and punches Thomas in the face. They roll around on the floor before being pulled apart by Branson and Carson)
- Go William! *applauds* Thomas was long over that punch, and if Bates didn't give it to him first, I thought it may have been William. :D
Aaaaaw Gwen, Sybil and Branson having a wee bit of a squeefest. :D
- Mrs Hughes: "Be careful my lad, or you'll end up with no job and a broken heart."
Branson: "What do you mean?"
(Mrs Hughes doesn't answer)
- Oh Mary... *facepalm* I suppose Edith did kind of deserve a bit of karma as she really had no right to write off to the Turkish Ambassador about that.
- Bye bye Thomas; doubt you'll be missed!
- Guilty conscience O'Brien??
- O'Brien: "Are you sure you have everything you need?"
Cora: (smiling) "Dear O'Brien, how sweet you are."
- OMG O'Brien wasn't going to be replaced after all...oh shit, that was all for nothing
although she shouldn't have done that in the first place.
Bates: "Hard to believe the clouds are gathering on a summer's day like this."
Anna: "Mr Bates, I know you think I was wrong to call on your mother."
Bates: "I don't think that. She likes you by the way."
Anna: "I had to find out the truth. "
Bates: "But you see you don't know the whole truth, not even now. You know my mother's truth."
Anna: "But not your wife's. Where is she now?"
Bates: "I couldn't tell you."
Anna: "I'd better get back."
- Does that mean that Bates can't tell Anna where his wife is (as in won't) or that he genuinely doesn't know?
Molesley: "Nice girl, that Anna. Do you know if she's got anyone special in her life?"
Bates: "I'd like to say she hasn't. I would truely but I'm afraid there is someone, yeah."
Molesley: "Do you think he's keen on her or is it worth a go?"
Bates: "Well, he keeps himself to himself. He's very hard to read at times but I'd say he's keen. I'd say he's very keen indeed."
(Molesley walks off)
- LMAO poor Molesley asking about Anna's availibility to Bates of all people! XD
- Mary: "Would you have stayed if I had accepted you?"
Matthew: "Of course."
Mary: "So I've ruined everything?"
Matthew: "You've showed me I've been living in a dream and it's time to return to real life."
Aaaaaaaaw. <33333
Aaaaaaaaaand we end with a bombshell: World War I has just broken out. Who will survive? Who won't? And will we see any new faces next year? :O :O :O
Episode 7 synopsis