- Jack/Ianto = ♥♥♥ :D
- Too many creepy children with open mouths. *shudders*
- Aaaaaaw Ianto taking care of his niece & nephew. :3
- Jack's a dad?!?! :O How did I not know this??? Alice is v. pretty. Who's her mum then, or is this what Jack meant about being 'pregnant, never doing that again' in Season 1? Hmmm....
- LMAO @ Ianto biting his lip during his sis's reaction to him being gay. XD
- LOL aaaaw Gwen & Rhys will be hilarious as parents. <3
- :O sneaky bastard!! Poor Jack. :(
- Noooooo careful guys!!
- Will Jack come back this time round though? What did those guys do to him?