'Ashes To Ashes' Season 2, Episode 4

May 12, 2009 20:39

- "I've got a brand new combine harvester..." LMAO I love that song & I don't care how cheesy it is. :P

- Alex and Gene starting & ending a conversation at the same time and then looking awkward = ♥ :D

- LMFAO at the others sneaking knowing glances. ;)

- Food fight!!

- Nice cardi/coat Alex. D:

- "Let's do it..."
I *love* the closeness here between the 2 of them. Note to A2A writers: stop teasing us!!!1! *flails*

- OMG LMAO they're bugging Supermac's office! <3

- Gene: "Fire up the flip chart."

- Aaaaaaw at those 2 falling asleep in Gene's office. :D <333333

- Jackie freaking Queen wearing Gene's camel coat!!! WTF. Nice perm... D:

- Ahahah Alex's face!! And Gene's!! :O :O :O

- Mmmmm why would Mackintosh try and prevent calls from Manchester??

- Oooh another rose...who is this guy?!?

- Nice headbutt there Jackie.

- ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ (Gene hugging Jackie)

- Alex: (to Gene about Jackie) "Just thought you could have done a bit better..."
LMFAO ooooh get in!! XD

- Someone please ram their toe up Mac's backside. >:O

- Oh man, it's the current B&Q advert music... *groan*

- Chris: "Do you think the guv and DI Drake...you know...?"
Shaz: "What?"
Chris: (looking slightly nauseous) "I can't even say it."

- Jackie: (looking gleeful) "Are you shagging my future husband?"
Alex: "Don't be ridiculous!"

- Alex: "You're good at that Chris."
Chris: "Taught by Sam Tyler himself."
Jackie: "Sam Tyler?! Now there's a blast from the past!"
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mention of Sam!!! *happy dance*

- Shaz goes undercover! Finally, she gets something to do other than make tea. <3333

- Gene: "Quick word about police brutality: lots of it."

- Did Ray give them a tip-off??? o.O

- Jackie making eyes at Gene = nauseating. D:

- Alex: (gleefully at Gene's proposal) "It's like a car crash in slow motion."
She's right about that. :P

- Gene's terms if baby is his = XD XD XD

- Oh thank goodness for that; it's not Gene's child then... *phew* But poor Gene looks slightly crestfallen... :(

- Yay Sam married Annie!!1! ("happiest couple I ever saw") *gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* :D :D :D (But no mini Tylers.)

- Aaaaw Jackie wrote his obituary. <3333 *sniffs*

- Jackie: (to Alex, about Gene) "He was not put on this earth to have kids."
Soooo does that mean there aren't mini Gene Hunts at all then???

- Girly bonding FTW. Funny how she warmed to Jackie on finding out she hadn't slept with Gene. ;) :P

- Awwww. <3

- Uh oh...body...aaaaw it's the wee Liverpudlian girl. :(

- Supermac: "Drake? Hanging around gent's toilets? You'll get a reputation."

- Mmmmm who are these two....?

- WHAT? ARRESTING ALEX?!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!? Alex's face says it all...

- Oh come ON...someone planted those there...

- Alex: "Good luck..."

- Roland Rat!! <3 *nostalgia trip*

- Gene: (to Jackie) "Oi. You & your fallopian tubes get back in the car and do nothing."
*sniggers* XD

- Probably just as well Gene shot that Rotweiler then... :O

- Ooooooooh.... (Mac's 'collection') Is that Victoria (Mac's daughter) who Jarvis mentioned earlier over the hidden mic in Supermac's office?

- Give it to him Gene!! \o/ Mmmmm. ;)

- Ugh Jarvis is such a creep. Reaaaaaaaally want Gene (or even Alex) to punch him. UGH. Rachel won't talk; she'll be too scared to identify him. :/ Nope, she didn't. D:

- OMG! Supermac took out Jarvis and he's about to do the same to himself! D: D: D: Gene don't get shot! *hides*

- Supermac: "Forgive me. Say it."
Gene: "I forgive you. Don't you dare bloody die on me."
Supermac: "It's not over. It's not over."
Gene: "Of course it's not. Come on, hang in there, Mac."
Supermac: "Rose."
Alex: "What? What did he say?"
Gene: "Who cares? Where's that bloody ambulance?!"
(Viv runs off)
Supermac: "There's something else. Bigger. Rose. Rose."
Alex: "What, what about Rose? What does it mean?"
Supermac: (dying words) "Operation Rose...is coming."

- Gene: "Once upon a time in this room, a man drew a line. He said that police corruption was going to become a thing of the past. Well, that man was a liar and that man is now dead. I'm going to redraw that line. I am not a liar. We are police officers and we will behave like police officers. We will fight, slap, knock down, beat up and intimidate to hold back the wave of scum. That is our right and that is our duty. But if I find one man feathering his own nest by so much as one bent penny, I will destroy him. Any questions?"

- Yay for Gene calling Alex 'Alex'. :D ♥

- Luigi, don't answer the flamin' phone next time when Alex is about to spill the beans/say something important to Gene. *facepalm*

- :O :O :O

Next week:
- Molly's 14 year old dad!
- Gene: (holding another card sent for Alex) "You seeing Boris (??) again?"
Alex: "Why, you jealous?"
Gene: "Don't flatter yourself sweetheart."
- Martin Sommers = Alex's doctor stalker???

Gif by magicallaw.
Screencaps by yours truely (thanks to BBC iPlayer).

How can we be at the half-way stage already?! *sad face*

picspam, ashes to ashes

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