- OMG future!predator! D: D: D:
- Aaaaaaw no more Dougie in the opening credits. *cries*
- Connor thinking about Cutter = ♥
- Jenny: (regarding Connor) "You're driving him too hard."
Lester: "Right now, work's the best thing for us."
- Is the biker Quinn??
- Go Jenny! :D
- What is Christine up to?
- Oooooh who's Jack?? :O
- Nice to see Jenny in action with a rifle.
- It's a trap! Get out of there guys! NOOOOOOOOOO!
- Velociraptors?! :O Didn't anyone watch Jurassic Park?!?!?
- Is that a T-Rex? :O
- Ok, jeep upside down with people trapped inside and a 40ft Tyrannosaurus G Rex running around, I'm getting flashbacks to 1993. ;)
- Quinn!!
- Ooooooh big shiny anomaly... *stares*
- LMFAO at the death look Jenny just gave that journalist. ♥ ♥ ♥
- Uuum shouldn't Connor have some sort of backup in case more dinos come through?? Oh wait, nevermind.
- Ouch....
- IT CAN'T SEE US IF WE DON'T MOVE. [/Dr Alan Grant mode]
- Won't she be able to smell the blood from Connor's head wound though even if he's completely still??
- Quinn: (in helicopter, to the G-Rex) "Come on you ugly sod, let's 'ave ya."
- ROFL at Connor sitting on Becker's lap in the Mini Cooper. The fangirls are going to LOVE that. XD <3
- That woman is going to end up as dino food... *rolls eyes*
- ...or get stomped on instead...owie... D: D: D:
- Jenny: (after Danny runs through the anomaly, being chased by several G-Rexes) "What did you do with the helicopter?"
Quinn: "Oh I'll just run back and get it shall I?!"
- Yes Jenny, Cutter would have been proud of Connor. :')
- Is Jack actually Abby's bro?? YES hahah!
- Baby dinos from last week! ♥ I want one. :P