Doctor Who Season 4, Ep 2 'The Fires Of Pompeii'

Apr 12, 2008 23:57

- I thought the girl in red, following Donna and The Doctor was a child lol. Was surprised that her voice wasn't child-like. :P

- Donna: "Donna, human, NO!"

- The Doctor: "I am Spartacus!"
Donna: "So am I!"

- Is Lucius referring to Rose??? :O

- Evalina: (to The Doctor) "Your real name is hidden..."

- Donna suits purple. *nods* :D ♥

- TXMax-imus LMFAO. XD

- Water gun?? LOL!! <3333

- Donna: "You fought her off with a water pistol?! I bl**dy love you!"

- Hahah who knew that a water pistol could be so useful? :P

- Loved Donna questioning the Doctor as to why he can't/won't save people during catastrophies. ♥

- Doc, take them with you!! :(

- Is he only going to save one family member? Aaaw yay he took them all out. :D

- The Doctor: (to Donna) "You were right: sometimes I need someone. Welcome aboard."

- Aaaaaaw The Doctor became Quintus's rolemodel!

- Hee! They're etched into the wall!

Next week:
- Ood!!
- Donna: "We're so not married. Never ever." LOL!! XD
- Brain zapping!!


doctor who, tv

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