Torchwood Season 2, Episode 8, 'A Day In The Death'

Mar 05, 2008 21:03

- Ianto looks good tonight! :D ♥

- Hee! Ianto & his coffee! <3 Aaaaw I want a cup now! :P

- Martha: (sarcastically, to Owen who is lifting weights) "Every morning I wake up and think of ways to get you like this..."

- Suicide lady: "What are you? Some sort of suicide geek?"

- *winces at Martha sewing Owen's hand up* :/

- Jack: (after being asked by Owen what to do at home) "Watch tv. Chill."
Owen: "Jack, I'm dead. I'm permanently chilled." LMAO.

- Tosh is so cute lol. :D <3 Loved her little grin when Owen opened his door.

- Gaaaaaah now I have a craving for pizza. XD

- Cracking bones!! Eeeek! *covers ears*

- RUN OWEN RUN!!! Sorry, it had to be said. :P

- Nice music this episode. :)

- Richard Briers!!

- Bye bye Owen Martha. :(

- Jack/Martha snog - yeeeeeeeeah!! <333 "Everyone else has had a go!" Too flipping right! :D

- I do hope Martha comes back; isn't she returning for Who Series 4??

- Owen/Tosh on the settee. ♥

- Ooooh purple shiney thing... *__*

Next week:
- Pregnant!Gwen FTW!! XD Lolz at Rhys going apeshit over this. XD ♥
- Proper Gwen/Jack snog??!? O.O


torchwood, tv

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