(no subject)

Aug 15, 2005 00:55

This is my goodbye. Tomorrow I leave for Phoenix. It started to sink in yesterday when I left my final band practice with Desired Affliction. This summer has been a blast. I have learned more about myself in these past 3 months than I have in the past 18 years. In this summer I have been the happiest I have ever been, I have been the saddest I have ever been, I have made new friends, regained contact with old friends, I have been in more trouble in the least span of time than ever, I have done some of the dumbest things I have ever done, I have done some of the smartest things I have ever done...the list could continue forever. This summer was about growing and that is what I did. I dont regret anything that has happened. I am leaving knowing that I had the best summer I could have had. I wish all of my friends the best of luck. It sounds like Im leaving forever. Im not. I will be down every once-in-a-while, but I also am a realist and know that the odds that I see everyone again are slim-to-none, so this is my goodbye.

Good luck, have fun, stay safe, go to class.

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