Facinating facts about me(because im soo bored)

Dec 30, 2003 20:09

I am convinced i have hobbit feet.(its nothin to be sniggered at)
I have 50 lord of the rings pictures on my wall as from today.
I hate Elvis.
I have an Elvis calander hanging in my room(thankyou daggereye..)
I have a new phone number as from tommorrow.
My dad looks like a cross between Pete Waterman,and Charlie from Eastenders.
Ive actually met THE KING OF TV..David 'D'..he is my hero.
And finally I adore the smell of pine trees-i have that xmas tree spray which l bought just for my room..as a present.
I want my little brother to be a gay when he grows up..as l think hed be soo sweet..plus he likes cleaning and thats a good start.

Anyone else?..Go on surprise me.
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