
Apr 04, 2011 13:13

Фил Каннингем, посетивший Москву в прошлом году во время съёмок своего телевизионного проекта "The World Accordion
to Phil Cunningham", рассказал журналистам Herald Scotland о своих впечатлениях от встречи с аккордеонистом Вячеславом
Семёновым, участвовавшем в съёмках. Вот маленькая цитата из этого интервью, меня очень впечатлило:

“I don’t speak Russian and he doesn’t speak English but through an interpreter we’d been looking into the story of how the Russian authorities
got classical composers to turn folk music into so-called serious music for the accordion,” says Cunningham. “I suspect he thought I was just
some twit of a foreigner who was feigning interest and asking daft questions and he went into this piece that was supposed to be a few bars of
illustration and, I’m telling you, I’ve never been so moved by a piece of music in my life. He had me in floods of tears and we had to stop filming
for about half an hour so that I could recover. Even doing the voiceover back home, that music broke me up.”

Semionov must have realised that Cunningham was genuine because the Russian went to the trouble of seeking out the TV crew from Scotland
in their Moscow hotel the next morning and gave Cunningham a big hug.

Сама программа была запущена на BBC 2 Scotland ещё 4 марта. Кто-нибудь знает, как это дело выловить в сети?
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