Bonds of Trust 5/5, PG-13, wee!chesters

Feb 28, 2008 08:20

Title: Bonds of Trust 5/5
Author: Ada
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Angst, Action
Spoilers: Mild for AHBL and BDABR
Characters: John, Jim, Bobby, Daniel Elkins, wee!Sam, wee!Dean, OCs, no pairings
Disclaimer: I owe too much money to student loan companies to buy Supernatural.

Summary: Preseries. When the boys go missing, salt lines intact and barely any trail to follow, Jim brings a group of hunters together to find them.  Unfortunately hunters do not always see eye to eye and John is forced to recognize that hunters can be just as dangerous as their prey.

Previous chapters: One, Two, Three, Four-A, Four-B

John feared both the idea of discovering the truth and of never knowing the truth.  Both held the power to destroy him. 
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