Halloo, new member here. *waves*

Feb 24, 2008 13:19

I posted a wee!chester fic yesterday, and was encouraged to share it, so here I am.. :D It doesn't have a title, but it's CRACK. 'Cept it's not really that funny..

Title: none
Pairings: gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1, 950 words, give or take a few.
Warnings: pre-series genderbending. Dean is thirteen.
Author's notes: I thought it had to be done. We see a lot of genderbend and bodyswap after they're adults, or at least, sexually matured, often in wincest fics, but what about gen, and pre-series wee!chester? So yeah. This was what came out of that train of thought. Completely unbeta'd, though I did run this by a few people long time ago. (the language is a little on the odd side, just to let you know.. I don't know how to fix that. D:)

Follow the fake cut to my journal...


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