We Give You Fever (when we kiss you)

Feb 15, 2012 22:57

TITLE: We Give You Fever (when we kiss you)
CHAR: Dean, John, Sam
GENRE: Gen with mentions of Dean/various OFCs, Teen!Dean/Wee!Sam, H/C
WORDS: 2241
A/N: Started this yesterday for the hoodie_time valentine's day meme, but I didn't manage to finish it in until today. Just close your eyes and pretend. And then open them again, so you can, like, read this. Thanks to Peggy Lee for the fic title.

SUMMARY: Sixteen-year-old Dean comes down with a mysterious fever on Valentine's Day. John takes care of him and discovers just how popular the kid is with the girls when they all start showing up at the front door. And Sam is grossed out.

( The Cottonwood Mobile Home Court in Spartanburg, South Carolina isn't the worst place John Winchester's spent a Valentine's Day. It definitely beats the Da Nang River. )

sam, john, fic, teen!dean, dean

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